Canadian Council of the Blind


Policy Name: Ethics Policy for Private Sector Supporters
The Canadian Council of the Blind (CCB) appreciates the valuable contributions of our private sector supporters. As part of our commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and the best interests of people living with blinding eye diseases, the CCB has adopted the following policy to clarify the expectations surrounding private sector support agreements.

1. For the purposes of this policy:

  • “Private sector supporter” means a company or other entity that operates with a view to a profit.
  • “Private sector support agreement” means any agreement between the CCB and a private sector supporter by which agreement (alone or cumulatively with any other agreement(s)), the CCB receives a benefit exceeding $10,000 in any given calendar year from the supporter.

2. CCB staff shall ensure that all private sector support agreements are made in writing, and that the written agreement is consistent with the guidelines outlined below.

3. Any private sector support agreement shall comply with the following guidelines:

  • The private sector support agreement must further the mandate, goals, and objectives of the CCB.
  • The private sector supporter must not attempt to influence the public policy work of the CCB. No contribution shall be accepted that is made, whether directly or indirectly, for the purpose of influencing CCB public policy work.
  • The CCB shall retain editorial control over any content produced through a private sector support agreement.
  • Any use of the CCB logo or name by the private sector supporter is subject to the prior approval of CCB staff.
  • The CCB shall seek to avoid accepting funding or support from any private sector supporter that engages in activities or is responsible for products that harm the health of Canadians, such as tobacco.
  • Any private sector support agreement with a supporter in the healthcare, biotech, or pharmaceutical industry shall specify a project for which the funds are to be used.
  • There should be no assumption that entering into a private sector support agreement means blanket support for all the private sector supporter’s products and/or services.
  • All projects will be developed and managed by the CCB.
  • Where relevant, the private sector support agreement should specify ownership of any data or intellectual property relevant to the agreement.
  • A private sector support agreement shall not limit the CCB’s right to make arrangements with other private sector supporters.
  • A private sector support agreement may provide for recognition of a private sector supporter but shall not require the CCB to endorse any particular product or service. For greater certainty, the CCB may endorse particular treatments in its public policy and education efforts where doing so furthers the CCB’s mission, provided that such an endorsement is not tied to funding from a private sector supporter.
  • No private sector support agreement shall place the CCB in a material conflict of interest. Where the agreement would create a conflict of interest for an employee, officer, or director of the CCB, the CCB must be satisfied that the conflict of interest can adequately be managed.
  • The CCB shall ensure that any private sector support agreement contains a right of termination that permits the CCB to terminate the relationship in the event of a breach of this policy.

Updated June 2023

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