Canadian Council of the Blind

A gift in your will shows more than just foresight and careful planning; it reveals a lasting commitment to the Canadian Council of the Blind and a desire to make a difference beyond your lifetime.

The Canadian Council of the Blind works to improve the quality of life for people with vision loss through awareness, peer mentoring, socializing, sports, advocacy, health promotion, and illness prevention.

We cannot do it alone – we need your help.

What to give?

You can give a specific amount, a percentage, or the residue of your estate. You can bequeath real property or securities.

Please join our partners by considering a legacy gift to the Canadian Council of the Blind – help build the future.

Most legacy gifts are bequests: gifts established in someone’s will. Such a gift would allow your estate to realize tax savings in the future. Usually, these gifts enable people to make a more substantial contribution than they could manage during their lifetime. That means a gift in your will would have a deep impact on the future of the Canadian Council of the Blind and those that we serve – in your local community and across Canada.

What are your next steps?

  • A Gift in Your Will (Bequest)Create a will that reflects your wishes. You can make your bequest in honour or in memory of someone special.
  • If you already have a will and are considering a bequest to the Canadian Council of the Blind, the easiest and least expensive way to make a small change in your existing will is to add a codicil. The codicil will retain all the provisions of your will, except those that are modified by this addition.
  • Make an appointment with your lawyer to draft or revise your Will. Your lawyer will help you with the key information and details. The Canadian Council of the Blind has sample wording available to assist you and your lawyer.
  • Contact the Canadian Council of the Blind office to inform us of your gift to ensure we honour your gift intentions as you wish.

After first taking steps to ensure your loved ones and heirs are cared for through your estate, a bequest gift to the Canadian Council of the Blind can be a truly exceptional way to create a legacy for the future.

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