Canadian Council of the Blind

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Author name: Mohamed

In the bottom left corner of the infographic, the words "Bill C-284: Why do we need a national healthcare strategy?" are displayed. Above this text, there is a light bulb encompassed by five multi-colored shapes. In the red shape, a graphic depicts a person walking with a cane, accompanied by the words "About 1.2 million Canadians are blind, deaf-blind, and partially sighted." Within the orange shape, an eye graphic in a square is paired with the words "Eight million Canadians live with one of the four major eye diseases." The green shape features an eye with a slash, accompanied by the statement "Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss for 2.5 million Canadians aged 55 and over." In the blue shape, a graphic portrays a person with a sack on their back, bearing the words "cost." Beneath, the text indicates, "The annual cost of vision loss in Canada is approximately $33 million." The last shape, colored purple, displays an image of a person stacking cubes spelling the word "risk," with the words "1 in 5 Canadians are at risk of vision loss" below the graphic.

Canadian Vision Stakeholders Urge Swift Passage of Bill C-284 in the Senate

“Vision care is healthcare,” emphasizes Phil Hooper, president of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, underscoring the urgent need for a national eye care strategy in Canada. Approximately 1.2 million Canadians are experiencing sight loss, with about 8 million living with one of the four major eye diseases that can lead to blindness. Of these four major […]

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World Sight Day Conference 2023 – Recording

The State of Vision Health in CanadaA Canadian Council of the Blind Conference We are pleased to share with you the recording of the Canadian Council of the Blinds, Tuesday, October 17 conference, “The State of Vision Health in Canada”. This conference provided a comprehensive update on the current state of vision health in Canada and offered insights into

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World Sight Day

75% of Vision Loss Is Preventable and Treatable, but Half of Canadians Don’t Know It “This World Sight Day, we are encouraging Canadians who are overdue for an eye exam to book an appointment with their local optometrist,” said Jim Tokos, National President, The Canadian Council of the Blind. “There is a common myth that if

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